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  Morning Yoga @ MMPS  

We are pleased to offer Yoga as an additional program for our students, held right here in the school hall. Run by Sarah from Shanti Studios, these sessions are available on Monday and Wednesday mornings before school.


What a fantastic way for students to start their day—building focus, flexibility, and mindfulness before diving into their school activities!


To register your interest, contact Shanti Studios on 0438 694 920.

Mindful Monday's

Start the day sharing a yoga practice that invites connection to mind, body and breath in a mindful and calming way.
Dancing from chanting, to a flow of yoga poses, before connecting to breath.
This practice invites curiosity in how to embrace peaceful, calming, kind and loving practices for oneself and those around us.

Wellbeing wEdnesday's

Start the day sharing a yoga practice that invites connection to mind, body and breath in a fun and dynamic flow.
Dancing from sound vibrations, to a flow of yoga poses, before connecting to breath.
This practice invites curiosity in how to embrace ease of movement, encourages focus for the moment that, is whilst enhancing strength and flexibility, and how to balance emotions through movement and breath.
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