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Bike Ed

Our Grade 4 students undertake an extensive Bike Education course each year, run by a certified educator. In this program, they learn how to maintain their bicycles and to use the road safely. The course finishes with a ride through Mount Macedon and Macedon and then the following week, a 28km ride from Maribyrnong to Williamstown and back again. This ride includes all our senior students and as many parents who would like to join us. It is an absolute highlight of the year and is much anticipated by students, parents, and staff.



All students participate in a camping program as they progress through the school. Every second year, our Foundation students have a BBQ dinner at school. Our grade 1 and 2 students attend the BBQ and then do a sleepover in the school building. Grades 3 and 4 do a two-day camp (every second year) and our Senior students do a range of different camps each year, which include City camp, Seaside camp (involving grade 4 students as well) and a “bush” camp (also involving grade 4 students).



Junior School Council (JSC)

Our school has a vibrant and enthusiastic Junior School Council made up of elected representatives from each class. JSC meets regularly to discuss issues of importance to the children of our school including fundraising for social service and school policies.

Students in JSC also learn about how meetings are conducted, discussing issues and the process of voting to make a collective decision. Presidents of our JSC wear a badge which informs everyone of the important role they hold in  our school.

The responsibilities of our Junior School Councillors include:


  • Acting as Tour Guides for visitors to the school on important occasions such as Open Days/Evenings and school celebrations.

  • Organising fundraising events to support  various charities / special causes

  • Representing Mount Macedon Primary School at special ceremonies (eg. Remembrance Day & ANZAC Day)

  • Consulting with students and reporting school-based concerns.

  • Planning for the improvement of school facilities (eg. new playground equipment)

  • Supporting the development of school policies.



Mathletics is a software program that students use at school and at home to build their skills and understandings of mathematics. Students use the web-based learning program in many ways at school and can integrate home and school learning via the internet. Your child has 24 hour access to Mathletics by using a user name and password. Some homework, extra activities to reinforce mathematical understanding, competition using ‘Live Mathletics’ against other children in Australia and around the world and maths just for fun are just some of the ways this valuable tool can be used.  

Benefits of Mathletics

  • Mathletics is adaptive which means that it responds to the individual student’s strengths and weaknesses

  • Students instantly know if they are on the right track and can work through the curriculum at their own pace.

  • Animated support guides students through concepts at their own pace which is like having a personal maths tutor 24 hours a day.

  • Live Mathletics fosters a stimulating and exciting online learning community

  • Results flow seamlessly between home and school so you can stay informed of your child’s progress

  • Students are engaged and motivated to learn


Reading Eggs

Reading Eggs is a unique reading package for children from four to twelve years old which builds on and consolidates the five key reading pillars: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. It supports learners by offering personal one-to-one lessons that children complete at their own pace and children won’t even realise they are learning as they play.  Their journey continues onto Reading Eggspress where they discover a range of texts and tackle more complex comprehension, emerging as confident, aspirational readers who are secure in their learning.’ MMPS uses this program to support enhanced, self-paced reading as part of a multi-tiered approach to reading. Your child will, on occasions, be given Reading Eggs activities to do at home.


Premiers Reading Challenge

To promote the development of literacy skills and a love of reading   Mount Macedon Primary School encourages all children to participate in the annual Premiers Reading Challenge. This challenge is open to all students from Foundation to Year 6.

Children from Prep to Year 2 can read or have read to them 30 books -20 from the challenge list and 10 free choice books.

Children in year 3-6 must read 15 books, 10 from the challenge list and 5 free choice books.

Children are also able to read books above their year Level.

Each year level has books, which range from picture to chapter, with a variety of authors and categories. Every student who successfully meets the challenge will receive a certificate and if permission is given, will have their name printed in The Age newspaper, which sponsors this competition. For more information about the challenge and lists of books children can read see classroom teachers.


Visit the Department of Education site:



Instrumental Music


Guitar lessons are held on Tuesday mornings at the school and are provided by Infinite Sound Australia with teacher Aaron Moar.

Aaron is a qualified prep to year 12 music teacher and experienced music performer, offering half-hour weekly lessons to students in grade 1 - grade 6 in groups of up to five students. The structured guitar programme is interactive and fun, covering aspects of music theory, technique, improvisation and developing confidence in performing skills.


Students learn to play rock, pop, folk, blues or classical songs or create pieces of their own!


For further information or to reserve a lesson for your child, please contact: Aaron Moar on 0438 177 764 or by email at


Visit the website here.



Ranges Music

How to enrol and finding the right program for musicians of all ages


Complete a New Member form for each musician and email Program Director, Shaun Evans at

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